Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hello from all the guys!
Its Tuesday, the final week, and what a great summer its been for all so far. This morning, we coached the hockey campers on ice, and began by concentrating on skating technique and cross-overs. After having been taught the detailed aspects of areas within hockey by Corey this summer, we now are able to pass on the same teaching points and so we guided the kids through a few warm up drills, developing their skating balance and skating position. The session then progressed onto some attacking play, where the ABC concept of attack was concentrated on. This is broken down into three roles: 1) A-ttack - where the puck carrier takes a wide position on the ice and attacks the offensive zone and drives toward the goal, this causes the defending puck carrier to have to pivot and change position. 2) B-ust - the closest non-puck carrying forward takes a supporting role to the puck carrier, skating within close proximity yet driving through the middle of the ice. This splits the defensemen, and causes them to make a decision. If they allow him to continue his path through the middle a passing option or shot-rebound option is available. However, if the second defenseman chooses to lock onto this forward, the third offensive forward now is available. 3) C-ut - the third forward driving on the weak side wing stays wide to maintain width, making it more difficult for the defensemen to keep visible contact on the offense. When reaching the blue-line he cuts across and acquires a high central role in the offensive zone. This creates depth, making it difficult for the defense to cover all three offensive players.
All the guys did a great job of understanding their roles as forwards when attacking the offensive zone, and the instructors passed on some very good teaching pointers that we've personally been taught this summer.
Many thanks,
All the guys!

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