Monday, August 17, 2009

Answers to comments...

Thank you to those who took the time to ask.  Obviously, I can't answer all but I will expand on those I am at liberty to...
1.  What have I learnt?  Learnt - great word.  I learned that even though the lads signed contracts detailing that they wouldn't date I couldn't control that.  16-18 year olds in that kind of set-up will find the time to chase...
2.  Mystery Brit signing?  Sorry.... no comment.
3.  Who impressed me the most?  Tough question.  They all impress me in different ways as they all have different talents and it's just too hard to pick.  
4.  What happens to the players who go to the EPL this year and how/why do we bring them along?  Well, this answer could drag on so I'll try to be as short as possible.  Minor hockey in Nottingham is good.  We want these "Lions" players to come up for some seasoning on 2-ways (ie. from the past:  Lacho, Nortz, Bully, Neil, Graham, etc.).   The idea is to get them as many games and into as many hockey experiences as possible.  Once they've developed to a level where we think they're not going to progress anymore at the Lions level we have a decision to make:  will we keep them to develop with us or try to get them full-time "pro" experience elsewhere.  We try to be sooo good to them in their development (bringing them to Canada and allowing them to practice, play games) that we hope when they develop into mature British professionals they will be loyal to the club.   The above players (excluding Nortz - Clarkie said he wasn't coming back unless Nortz was there and I quote, "If Nortz's IN - the Panthers WIN!") all left to play in the EPL for that reason, they aren't top-end enough to get regular playing time with a club as good as Nottingham.  They are definitely good enough to play a role at this level, for sure (as we saw at points last season), they just wouldn't have big enough roles to justify them sliding up and down our bench.  They can only develop so much in practice and need a good season of 1st or 2nd line playing experience at the pro (if you can call the epl pro) level.  They're all agreed to two-way arrangements and we intend on bringing them back at some point during the season.  We also plan to use the next crop of young British hopefuls (ie. Callum, Will, Ward, and Soar) as well at various stages of the season.  
So, I know this is a long answer but I hope a satisfying one.  

I will continue to post in a limited capacity though Traning Camp and question the players if they have an interest in doing something like this throughout the season.

1 comment:

  1. After watching the players in training tonight,I can see the difference from last season.

    Everything has improve... fitness/speed/skating/stick and puck handling

    They have all improved all round. They said it was hard at the camp but had a great time.
